About This Site:

ARTKIVEZ.COM is a site I started in 2011 to share my Flash games and video animation. While creating interactive Flash games was still rather new to me, I have been working with multi-media software for 15 + years. Currently my graphics experience extends to the following list of software titles:

Adobe Production Premium CS6 (Includes):
Photoshop Extended, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Flash Professional, Soundbooth, Encore, Illustrator

Adobe Audition

Dreamweaver CS6

Lightwave 3D 2019

As you can see on the ARTKIVEZ.COM home page I like to post my newest accomplishments. With permission from clients I hope to be able to display more content as samples of my abilities. If you are intrigued by anything you see on this site and have a potentially profitable project you would like to collaborate on, or maybe some 3D design work you need done contact me at:

I just want to add that I am primarily a self-taught graphics specialist. But without help and inspiration from the World Wide Community of computer artists and fans I would not be here writing this now. A big THANK YOU!


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